on his mother's side he is related to the king 意味
- 母方で国王の縁者になっている
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- side 1side n. わき; 側(がわ); 面(めん); 方面; 味方; 血筋. 【動詞+】 They burst their sides
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- related related 密接 みっせつ 隣接 りんせつ
- king king n. 王; (…)王. 【動詞+】 Twenty knights accompanied the king. 20
- related to related to に関する にかんする 牽連 けんれん に関して にかんして
- meet someone's mother side of his family (人)の家族{かぞく}の母方{ははかた}[母親側{ははおや がわ}]の身内{みうち}に会う
- his majesty the king His Majesty the King 国王陛下 こくおうへいか
- king and his court 王と全廷臣
- king and his followers 王とその家臣{かしん}たち
- king and his people 国王とその臣民
- king and his whole court 王と全廷臣
- child in his mother's makeup 母親{ははおや}の化粧品{けしょうひん}を塗りたくった子ども
- takes after (his mother) takes after (his mother) 似 に
- your (his) mother your (his) mother 母堂 ぼどう